Category: Public Schools

Parallel Structure, or Why the Bullet is Your Friend

So you’re pursuing a job in finance.  Question: How much writing will you need to do?  Answer: More than you might think. It is a given that you know something about finance, or you would never have been hired in the first place.  However, as you progess in your career you will find more of

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The Long and the Short of It

Or, Don’t Use Your Credit Card to Buy Groceries (and Don’t use Bonds to Buy Technology) I was walking by Fort Point in San Francisco (you’ll know the spot from Hitchcock’s “Vertigo”).  I fell into conversation with a guy who, by coincidence, was a new customer at the bank where I worked.  He went on to

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Budget Advisory Committees are Hard

When the Budget Advisory Committee was approaching my boss and I would look at each other and groan in unison “Ugh BAC!”  Why? It was not that we didn’t want to talk budget with the community.  Hey, we’ll talk your ear off with all sorts of budget geekiness if you let us.  It is because a BAC

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Government’s Return on Investment

Is it ever OK to say “I spent more on that, so I am in compliance.” Is spending more money the only way to demonstrate “success?” I say this is the opposite of success. Are we going to allow school districts to shrug off poor results by spending more. I really don’t understand the critics of California’s Local Control Funding Formula’s

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Free Washing Machine, $50

I remember reading the following story as a kid – probably in the Readers Digest. A family buys a new washing machine, so they leave the old one out front of their house with a sign “Free”.  No-one takes the washing machine.  So they change the sign to “Works Great, Only $50”.  The washing machine

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Classroom Dollars and Bad Teachers

Start with a graphic representation of a dollar bill. Divide it up to show how many cents are spent in which categories.  Not a bad way to represent expenditures. Except when it is done this way: Why? Because this cartoon is not just wrong, it is dishonest.  The categories of expense are a bit hard

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